RNHA Visit to Washington, DC

RNHA Visit to Washington, DC

As our nation is facing intricate challenges, geopolitical tensions persist and a heated election season is among us, in response, The Republican National Hispanic Assembly strategized and interconnected with different chapter leaders and board members in Washington, D.C.  Navigating these challenges requires a concerted effort to promote dialogue, action and planning to better equip the RNHA, not only to be influential but to be part of the strategies for a sure win in 2024. As our reach broadens, we want to end with a boom having accomplished our goals, our efforts, and a stronger work ethic for our organization.

We were inspired and challenged to leave a mark in these elections and vowed to continue to support those candidates that are like minded as we see the big picture for all of us.

The Leadership Institute in Arlington, VA provided the platform needed to build upon and have extended their training facilities to do just that. We are most grateful for their example and for giving us a memorable weekend that put into perspective our goals.

The Leadership Institute is a non-profit organization located in Arlington, Virginia they focus on  “political technology.” They were founded in 1979 by conservative activist Morton Blackwell.   Its goal has been to “increase the number and effectiveness of conservative activists” and to “identify, train, recruit and place conservatives in politicsgovernment, and media.”

As a nation, that is divided on political and social issues, conservatives are facing the most heat and the RNHA is seeking to build relationships that will strengthen and develop our communities, our cities and nation overall. One of the tools is to educate others on how our ideals and principles work, providing solutions to many of the issues we face. The RNHA was founded in 1967, when 15 Latinos started the Republican National Hispanic Assembly in Washington, D.C. Today we reminisced as we count the different chapters across America and how we have been an example of leadership. We are a diverse representation of Latinos and other Ethnic groups that believe in our impactful and tactical methods.

Our present Chairwoman Elisa Slider made headway in her outlook of the organization and shared her understanding of how the RNHA is rebuilding and rebranding themselves to a collective well-being within our society. Focused on expanding and showcasing our strengths while safeguarding the movement to prevail against our challenges. It was also discussed that by building relationships we are connecting to other organizations, causes, movements, businesses and stronger relationships within our government and leaders.    We aim to bring in new members and chapters from across our nation and make history.