Who we are

The Republican National Hispanic Assembly of New York State is an organization of concerned citizens who are inspired by the need to curtail excessive government growth, spending, taxation and regulation. Our mission is to mobilize, organize and educate our fellow residents on Local, County and State Government and to influence public policy consistent with Conservative Values, among them the defense of the 1st Amendment right and Freedom of Religion, Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government and Free Markets.

Uphold and earnestly promote Judeo-Christian values as the cornerstone of our great Republic. RNHA-NY earnestly will contend for our faith (Jude 1:3) by the advocacy of Judeo-Christian values such as:

  1. The First Amendment Rights – The inalienable “Right” of religious freedom and to worship as reminded by our Constitution’s First Amendment Rights. Our First Amendment rights are not given to us by the government but are rights we inherently possess. The government cannot use subsequent amendments to limit First Amendment rights. The Free Exercise Clause is both an individual and a collective liberty protecting a right to worship God according to the dictates of conscience. Therefore, we strongly support the freedom of Americans to act in accordance with their religious beliefs, not only in their houses of worship but also in their everyday lives.
  2. The unconditional protection of Life and condemnation of infant and elder death that primarily targets the indigent and Hispanic/Latino and Black communities in the name of false social justice. The Constitution’s guarantee that no one can “be deprived of life, liberty or property” deliberately echoes the Declaration of Independence’s proclamation that “all” are “endowed by their Creator” with the inalienable right to life. Accordingly, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life that cannot be infringed. We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to children before birth. Therefore, we affirm that Life biblically, scientifically, and unequivocally begins at conception.
  3. The unconditional defense of and alliance with Israel and the Holy City of Jerusalem.
  1. We uphold that the nuclear family is the core of our American society that offers a Healthy Republic. The protection of the Sanctity of Traditional Marriage as determined by God, not determined by contemporary liberal or progressive society.
  2. The Second Amendment: Our Right to Keep and Bear Arms – We uphold the right of individuals to keep and bear arms, a natural inalienable right that predates the Constitution and is secured by the Second Amendment. Lawful gun ownership enables Americans to exercise their God-given right of self-defense for the safety of their homes, their loved ones, and their communities.
  1. To ensure candidates who represent the true values of Conservatism are elected to office and continue to represent those values.
  2. Recruit and encourage qualified, Latino/Hispanic-Americans to seek office at all levels of government.
  3. To adopt resolutions and policy positions on local, state, and national issues and to seek to implement these resolutions and policy positions through networks of  our Conservative nasature and any other appropriate means.
  4. To promote and encourage civic engagement and participation.
  5. To ensure candidates who represent the true Conservative values are elected to office and hold them accountable to continue to represent those values.
  6. To ensure the participation of citizens of Latino/Hispanic heritage in the American political process and all levels of the Republican Party.
  7. To Make America Great Again & Keep America Great.

Where It All Began

The Republican National Hispanic Assembly is an American political organization founded in 1967 which seeks to promote Hispanic-American issues and interests within the Republican Party, and the Party’s interests and candidates within the Hispanic-American population. The group is partially an outgrowth of the Spanish Speaking Advisory Committee of the Republican National Committee, which itself was created as a response to successful efforts to attract Hispanic-American voters to the presidential candidacy of Richard Nixon.

RNHA Formation

In 1967, an informal meeting was held in Washington D.C by thirteen Hispanic-American men. As one participant, Francisco Vega, later recalled: “… the meeting came about by word of mouth… we were from Florida, California, Texas, New Jersey, Michigan, and several other states….” The purpose of the gathering was to discuss how they could increase Hispanic political involvement.



Although all of men intimated some kind of affiliation with the Democrats, none of them felt especially attached to any political party. Having had their offers to organize some kind of Hispanic outreach rebuffed by both the Democratic and Republican Party’s national offices, the dejected group returned to their hotel. Eventually, the gathering dwindled down to five: Ben Fernandez, Manuel Lujan, Fernando Oaxaca, Martin Castillo, and Vega. These last attendees continued to talk, bonded over their common World War II service and political ideologies, and, eventually, formed the Republican National Hispanic Council. Fernandez was selected as its first president.



The next year, the name of the organization was changed to the Republican National Hispanic Assembly with Fernandez taking up the title of National Chairman. Without formal acknowledgment from the Republican Party, the group immediately began to organize chapters in their home and surrounding states. They also managed to raise more than $400,000 by the end of 1968 which they presented to astonished Party officials. Relations between the two political entities soon warmed considerably.

RNC Affiliation

President Ford with Raul Espinoza, RNHA’s first executive director, at the 1976 banquet As part of its 1972 re-election campaign strategy, the Nixon Administration sought to increase Hispanic electoral participation. In addition to others, key RNHA personnel were tapped to assist in this endeavor and the Spanish Speaking Committee for the Re-Election of President Nixon was formed. This committee has been credited an integral role in garnering more than 35% of the Hispanic vote for the President- a vast improvement over the previous three election cycles where the Republican candidate averaged only 10%. Additionally, Fernandez and Vega occupied several important positions within Nixon’s re-election campaign, in particular, the Hispanic Finance Committee.

Chaired by Fernandez, the HFC raised over $250,000 for the President in 1972. Later that year, newly appointed RNC chairman George H. W. Bush began to lay the groundwork for a more permanent organization to woo and retain Hispanic voters. In April, 1973, Bush authorized the formation of the Spanish Speaking Advisory Committee; Castillo became its national chairman. In meetings held with the SSAC in Crystal City, Virginia from July 11 to July 13, 1974, the RNHA was formally recognized and chartered by the RNC (it is also from this point that the RNHA dates its existence for organizational purposes). Since that time, it has been the only Hispanic Republican group officially affiliated with the national Republican Party.


The RNHA began increasing their public profile by holding Annual Banquets starting in 1976. President Gerald Ford delivered the keynote address at the first such event on July 29. At that time, Oaxaca was serving as an Associate Director in the Office of Management and Budget. A “Hispanic Heritage Leadership Breakfast” series was added in 1995. Later, Bettina Inclan, was hired to revitalize the group’s image. Nevertheless, attempts at increasing Hispanic participation at the highest levels of the RNC were stymied in 2009.


The leaders of several prominent Republican and Republican-leaning Hispanic organizations- including the RNHA- complained in a March 6 letter to RNC chairman Michael Steele of the situation. Despite assurances in a follow-up meeting, RNHA’s Vargas and others would report that no movement had taken place as of a few months later. Hispanic leaders also decried the state of Hispanics in the Party at an RNHA conference entitled “Future of Hispanics in the GOP.” Citing the debate over- and the Party’s stance on- immigration as the single most important issue driving away potential voters, Vargas stated: “We know that the party will not recover its majority until we get this right.”

Responsible Members

This is the team of courageous leaders dedicated to turning New York State red. Never give up, never surrender.  For God, for Family, and for Country.

Paul Rodriguez

Paul Rodriguez

NY State Chairman
Diane Rivera Lopez

Diane Rivera Lopez

NY State Secretary & Press Secretary
Jacqueline Gómez

Jacqueline Gómez

NY State Political Liason
Coming Soon

Coming Soon

NY State Treasurer

RNHA New York Chapter Making NY Red

Want to join our efforts? If you are interested in volunteering with our team, New York needs your help getting Conservative Republicans in office.  We have an unwavering faith that we can turn this around.


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