Why we should KEEP PRESSING ON and standing firm in N.Y after these midterm elections! There is no denying that a SHIFT has happened! Here is why!
Although it is essential to acknowledge that now Governor Kathy Hochul is the first woman ever to Govern the State of NY, her ideologies are still of great concern to many. We will eventually know how she will govern, although we have gotten insight from this past year. Time will reveal the ripple effects this outcome will produce. What is apparent is that her win would not have happened without having to call on the Democrat elites and at least two former Presidents of the U.S — former Presidents Clinton and Obama. These individuals flew their gas planes into NY and campaigned to rescue Hochul and the NY Dems, giving them a narrow win to a close race in NY. After many years, this narrow margin threatens their One Party Rule. Let’s let that sink in for a moment!
Therefore, it is fair to say that the challengers, Congressman Lee Zeldin and the Esposito ticket, along with Republican-Conservatives, and all others who voted RED in this blue state, outperformed and came to a very close edge in the final results — (D) 53% to (R) 47%, a 5% margin. Of course, on Social Media, Zeldin had a more significant number of followers and a larger number of attendees at Campaign events. Furthermore, his campaign did win over Democrats, Moderates, and Independent voters!
Republicans also won four Seats in NY, now having 11 of 26 seats, producing a rippling effect in Congress. Another victory was seen when Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Representative Sean Patrick Maloney lost his seat to (R) Mike Lawler — another big hit!
The bias and support of many in big tech, news, and social media outlets serve as the beck and call to the Democratic Political Machine and, many times, undoubtedly influence elections by ghosting, gaslighting, and outright censoring their opponents. Despite what naysayers may claim, we gave them a RUN FOR THEIR LIBERAL MONEY and put many of them on their nerves! This was precisely why Dems called on two former Presidents. The Dem’s rescuers proceeded to propagate liberal frenzy propaganda that claimed that “Democracy is at Stake” and that “The End of Freedom was here!” Meanwhile, it is quite the opposite. Anyone who looks beyond party lines can clearly see that unless we are sold out, compromised by personal interest, or misinformed ignorants, this Democratic machine claims to practice Democracy, but they are far from it. This socialist machine has also merged corporations with the government, media, and elites who control and invest in a new world order that they seem to be implementing.
Think about it! Why did election day now become election week or election month? Thanks to liberal deceitful tactics, ballots are still being counted in key States as they hope to delay determining who will win the power of the Senate and the House. However, it is our prediction that Republicans will win it, so let’s look forward at what winning the House will mean … the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, will have to give in her broom … sorry, I meant gavel and take a seat. We will finally see the milestone ending of her wicked reign! It will inevitably also give Republicans the power and ability to refrain the Dems from passing major legislation and will allow investigations into many Democratic leaders on recent critical matters covered by the present White House. It will be exciting to see how this will all play out.
However, one thing has been rewarding, Stacy Abrams and (D) Rep. Liz Cheney, who love to hate on Republicans, are finally out of the game, and we can officially say, “See ya!” The Hispanic vote is a loud shout that it is time for those deceived in America that the Republican Party is more diverse than ever, with common sense solutions that instill progress, and that the far-left Democratic Party has left us with its socialist ideals and it no longer is what it used to represent.
Overall it was a good night for the Republican Party. We cannot also forget that we have won many recent battles in our Nation, such as critical Supreme Court seats, the defeat of vaccine mandates, and the final constitutional defeat of Roe v. Wade. However this may end, we will continue to work hard on promoting a positive and uplifting message. We would also like to congratulate the many Republicans who overturned Governor, Senate, and Congressional seats across the Nation. We wholeheartedly give God all of the Glory for keeping us brave in a time where family, freedom, free speech, and values are at stake. Conservative integrity and common sense ideology must be bought back on the table.
As for the Democratic leaders who won or kept seats and have a genuine interest in the betterment of our people and nation at heart, we pray for them, all our Cities, and our entire Nation. Despite our differences, may we endeavor to accomplish, as much as possible, to provide a safer, prosperous, peaceful, and better way of life for all the people of this Republic; One Nation under God. We encourage our Republican and Conservative families to stay strong, stand tall, and keep firm in the fight for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We invite everyone who believes as such to join us, for we must adhere to the call and become part of the process to keep our families and Country in the right direction.